Eight days in Portugal | Featured Image

Eight Days in Portugal | Porto, Coimbra, Lisbon, Albufeira

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“Why Portugal?” people asked me during my trip, usually followed by “And which other country are you visiting?” This puzzled me. Portugal stands perfectly well on its own, bursting with so much to do and see that even my packed eight-day itinerary felt woefully inadequate, despite that I spanned the […]

48 Hours in Tallinn | The Perfect Itinerary

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Tallinn was my first Baltic country. I landed here, quite by chance, after discovering it was a simple ferry ride away from Helsinki. It’s a pretty little medieval town, where good food and booze abound. Culturally, it seemed quite different from Helsinki, although only a boat ride away. Tallinn was […]

South Africa in seven days | The highlights

South Africa in Seven Days | Cape Town and Johannesburg

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After my solo trip to Kenya and Tanzania last year, I had been dying to visit the African continent again. And lo and behold, a trip to Johannesburg materialized and I jumped at the opportunity to visit South Africa. However, I only had the time to visit its two major […]

Blog about A 3 Day Efficient Itinerary for the Netherlands | The Amsterdam cityscape

A 3 Day Itinerary for the Netherlands

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A 3 Day Efficient Itinerary for the Netherlands | Amsterdam, The Hague, Rotterdam, Delft and more About the Netherlands The Netherlands bowled me over. I was impressed by its natural beauty, the warmth of its people, and its commitment to inclusivity. I love any place that lets people be, just […]